Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. hygroscopicus – NBRC 13472

Streptomyces sp

Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. hygroscopicus

NBRC No.NBRC 13472
Scientific Name of this StrainStreptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. hygroscopicus(Jensen 1931) Waksman and Henrici 1948
Synonymous Name
Synonym:Streptomyces hygroscopicus
Type Straintype
HistoryIFO 13472 <- SAJ <- OWU (ISP 5578) <- Eli Lilly Res. Labs. (J.M. McGuire, M5-13184, ETH 28553)
Other Culture Collection No.ATCC 27438=CBS 773.72=DSM 40578=JCM 4772=NRRL 2387=RIA 1433=ISP 5578=BCRC 11611=CIP 106840=LMG 19335=VKM Ac-831
Other No. 
Rehydration Fluid707
Cultivation Temp.28 C
Source of Isolation 
Locality of Source 
Country of Origin 
Biosafety Level 
Mating Type 
Genetic Marker 
Plant Quarantine No. 
Animal Quarantine No. 
Herbarium No. 
Sequences16S rDNA
Shipping asGlass ampoule (L-dried)

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