Streptomyces clavuligerus NBRC 13307

Streptomyces clavuligerus

Streptomyces clavuligerus NBRC 13307

NBRC No.NBRC 13307
Scientific Name of this StrainStreptomyces clavuligerus Higgens and Kastner 1971
Synonymous Name
Type Straintype
Accepted Date1972/02/05
Isolated Year
Deposited Year
HistoryIFO 13307 <- Eli Lilly & Co.
Other Culture Collection No.AS 4.1611=ATCC 27064=BCRC 11518=CBS 226.75=CECT 3125=DSM 40751=DSM 738=JCM 4710=KCTC 9095=NCIMB 12785=NRRL 3585=VKM Ac-602
Other No.IMET 43657
Rehydration Fluid707
Cultivation Temp.28 C
Oxygen Relationship
Source of IsolationSoil
Locality of Source (WGS84)South Ameica
Country of Origin
Biosafety Level
ApplicationsClavulanic acid;production
Cephamycin C;production
Mating Type
Genetic Marker
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Herbarium No.
Condition for Utilization
CommentGenome Information of ATCC 27064: PRJNA42475, PRJNA28551, PRJNA19249 (NCBI BioProject)
Sequences16S rDNA
Shipping asGlass ampoule (L-dried)

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