Shewanella sp. – NBRC 101066

Shewanella sp. - NBRC 101066

Shewanella sp.

NBRC No.NBRC 101066
Scientific Name of this StrainShewanella sp.
Synonymous Name
Type Strain
Accepted Date2005/07/08
Isolated Year1998
Deposited Year2005
HistoryNITE <- Univ. Tokyo (A. Yokota, MKT 108)
Other Culture Collection No.
Other No.NITE 00271=MKT 108
Rehydration Fluid339
Cultivation Temp.25 C
Cultivation Oxygen Relationship
Source of IsolationConch, Omphalius pfeifeeri
Locality of SourceMisaki, Miura, Kanagawa
Country of OriginJapan
Biosafety Level
Mating Type
Genetic Marker
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Herbarium No.
CommentClosely related to Shewanella waksmanii by 16S rRNA sequence analyses.
Sequences16S rDNA
Shipping asGlass ampoule (L-dried)