Rhodococcus equi – NBRC 101255

Rhodococcus equi - NBRC 101255

Rhodococcus equi

NBRC No.NBRC 101255
Scientific Name of this StrainRhodococcus equi (Magnusson 1923) Goodfellow and Alderson 1977
Synonymous Name
Synonym:Corynebacterium equi
Nocardia restricta
Type Straintype
HistoryJCM 1311 <- K. Suzuki, CNF 002 <- AJ 1402 <- ATCC 6939 <- NCTC 1621 <- H. Magnusson
Other Culture Collection No.ATCC 25729=ATCC 6939=BCRC 12859=CCUG 20987=CCUG 892=CECT 555=CIP 54.72=DSM 20307=DSM 43349=IAM 12426=IFM 0162=NBRC 14956=JCM 3209=KCTC 9082=LMG 18452=LMG 5358=NCTC 1621=NRRL B-16538=PCM 559=VKM Ac-953=JCM 1311=KACC 20051=HBIMCC 1230=NCAIM B.02034=NCIMB 12828=HAMBI 2061=ACM 4987=CCM 3429=CCUG 23606=CGMCC 4.1824
Other No.CNF 002=AJ 1402=IMET 7467=IMSNU 22213
Rehydration Fluid702
Cultivation Temp.28 C
Source of IsolationLung abscess of foal
Locality of Source
Country of Origin
Biosafety LevelL2 
Mating Type
Genetic Marker
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Herbarium No.
CommentGenome Information: PRJDB292 (NCBI BioProject).
Sequences16S rDNA