Môi trường JCM 13

Medium data

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Lab-lemco powder (Oxoid) 3.0    g
Proteose peptone No. 3 (BD-Difco) 10.0    g
Trypticase peptone (BD-BBL) 5.0    g
Phytone peptone (BD-BBL) 3.0    g
Yeast extract (BD-Difco) 5.0    g
Liver extract (see below) 150.0    ml
Glucose 10.0    g
Soluble starch 0.5    g
Solution A (see below) 10.0    ml
Solution B (see below) 5.0    ml
Tween 80 1.0    g
Bacto agar (BD-Difco) 15.0    g
5% L-Cysteine·HCl·H2O solution 10.0    ml
Horse blood 50.0    ml
Distilled water 825.0    ml

Adjust pH to 7.2.
To prepare liver extract, put 10 g liver powder in 170 ml water, keep at 50 to 60C for 1 hr, boil for 5 min, adjust pH to 7.2 and filter.
Solution A:

K2HPO4 10.0    g
KH2PO4 10.0    g
Distilled water 100.0    ml

Solution B:

MgSO4·7H2O 4.0    g
NaCl 0.2    g
FeSO4·7H2O 0.2    g
MnSO4·xH2O 0.2    g
Distilled water 100.0    ml

Mix ingredients except horse blood and adjust pH to 7.2. After autoclaving, cool to 50C, and aseptically add 50.0 ml of horse blood.
Comment: Commercial BL agar (Nissui) is also available.