Trichoderma ovalisporum
NBRC No. | NBRC 101778 |
Scientific Name of this Strain | Trichoderma ovalisporum Samuels & Schroers |
Synonymous Name | |
Type Strain | type |
History | USDA ARS (G.J. Samuels, DIS 70a) |
Other Culture Collection No. | CBS 113299=IMI 390990=DAOM 232077 |
Other No. | DIS 70a |
Rehydration Fluid | 707 |
Medium | 1 |
Cultivation Temp. | 20 C – 30 C |
Source of Isolation | Witches’ bloom on Banisteriopsis caapi |
Locality of Source | Napo river, Panaco-cha-Rio Yanayacu |
Country of Origin | Ecuador |
Biosafety Level | |
Applications | Biological control agent inhibiting development ofMoniliophthora rorei on Theobroma cacao; |
Mating Type | |
Genetic Marker | |
Plant Quarantine No. | |
Animal Quarantine No. | |
Herbarium No. | BPI 843692 |
Restriction | |
Comment | Ex-holotype |
References | 4452 |
Sequences | LSU rDNA D1D2 rpb2 ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 tef1 |