Burkholderia mimosarum – NBRC 106338

Burkholderia acidipaludis

Burkholderia mimosarum

NBRC No.NBRC 106338
Scientific Name of this StrainBurkholderia mimosarum Chen et al. 2006
Synonymous Name
Type Straintype
Accepted Date2009/11/20
Isolated Year
Deposited Year2009
HistoryLMG 23256 <- Univ. Ghent (P. Vandamme) <- Nat. Kaohsiung Marine Univ. (W.-M. Chen)
Other Culture Collection No.BCRC 17516=LMG 23256=CCUG 54296=DSM 21841
Other No.PAS44
Rehydration Fluid892
Cultivation Temp.28 C
Oxygen Relationship
Source of IsolationRoot nodule, Mimosa pigra
Locality of Source
Country of OriginTaiwan
Biosafety Level
Mating Type
Genetic Marker
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Herbarium No.
CommentGenome Information: PRJDB255 (NCBI BioProject).
Sequences16S rDNA
Shipping asGlass ampoule (L-dried)